our Journal

Kenton & Alysha | Campbell Valley Park to Crescent Beach Engagement

Kenton and Alysha are those kind of people you know you have to keep in touch with because positivity and adventure just flow out of them. 🙂 They met at a work party and ever since had their eye on each other. Kenton would head over to to Alysha’s office every couple hours to “fill up his water bottle.” Later Alysha found out he was dumping the water down the drain so he could return for “another drink.”  Eventually he finally asked her to watch a movie together and it became official. They later pushed through a 2 year long distance relationship as Alysha headed to Ontario for school but now being back they began planning their wedding! 🙂
It was such a incredible day with them and the weather was just perfect. We went for a long walk at Campbell Valley Regional Park and then to Crescent Beach for a perfectly calm sunset filled night. Nothing stopped them from crazy photo ideas which eventually led to some amazing photos in the ocean. Such a fun night!! You guys are the best!! 🙂
Film Processing: OK Photo Lab Oliver
